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Application of WINSOK mosfet in automotive electronics

Time:2020-09-18 Views:7424
The application of winsok mosfet in navigator industry,the main models:Main application models:WST4041,WST2339,WST3407,WSF15P10,WSF45P06,WSF40N10,WSF25N20,WSP16N10

型号 参数 封装
WST4041 P-Ch/-40V/-6A/30mΩ SOT-23-3L
WST2339 P-Ch/-20V/-7.1A/19mΩ SOT-23-3L
WST3407 P-Ch/-30V/-5.8A/41mΩ SOT-23-3L
WSF15P10 P-Ch/-100V/-13A/150mΩ TO-252
WSF45P06 P-Ch/-60V/-45A/30mΩ TO-252
WSF40N10 N-Ch/100V/40A/32mΩ TO-252
WSF25N20 N-Ch/200V/25A/60mΩ TO-252
WSP16N10 N-Ch/100V/16A/8.9mΩ SOP-8

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